Fjord PtX not only marks a billion-euro investment in PtX. As with all CIP-managed projects, it strives to create a significant, positive impact on both job creation and climate in accordance with CIP’s ethical policy and the UN Guiding Principles. It is estimated that the plant will generate 50-100 permanent jobs, to support the local community and in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Emission-free district heating
Emission-free district heating from Fjord PtX will be a significant contributor to the district heating system. The plant fits well into the sustainability strategy of the local utility company, Aalborg Forsyning, which aims to diversify its portfolio of energy sources and add future technologies to the supply chain. Aalborg Forsyning has therefore shown interest in using the excess heat from CO2-free SAF production, which is a good example of sector coherence as recommended in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Fjord PtX adds value to the local community through:
Up to 200 permanent jobs
District heating of approximately 11,000 households
The focal point for a new green industry within PtX